Healthy Body

Injury Procedure

The Jockeys Injury Notification Procedure sets out a clear step by step procedure for contacting a jockey’s Next of Kin and providing further support should a jockey be taken to hospital. It also makes provision to ensure that property of any injured jockey who is taken to hospital is looked after and returned.

Racecourse Injuries

Jockeys who suffer an injury at a racecourse on a raceday will be seen by the RMO (Racecourse Medical Officer) on duty who will register details of the injury.  The following steps should then occur if the jockey needs to be transferred to hospital:

  1. The RMO or representative of the racecourse will call the BHA Chief Medical Adviser, the IJF, the PJA and the jockey’s Next of Kin to inform them of transfer to hospital.
  2. The IJF will contact the jockey or person accompanying the jockey via call or text as soon as possible after receiving the call from the Racecourse and provide appropriate support.
  3. The IJF will continue to liaise with the BHA Chief Medical Adviser and the PJA.
  4. All Jockeys likely to be in hospital for more than one night should be offered a visit by the IJF.

Non Racecourse Injuries

Any jockey who is unable to race ride as a result of an injury or illness must notify the BHA Medical Department as soon as it is practically possible. This is a mandatory requirement and applies to any injury, regardless of where or when it happened – schooling, car accident, playing soccer etc.

BHA Injury List

Jockeys who are injured will appear on the BHA’s Injury List which is checked daily by PJA office and the PJA will text all new red entries.

Injury Rehabilitation

Injured jockeys are lucky to have access to a team of experts at the Injured Jockeys Fund who can provide a specialist rehabilitation programme to help them return to riding as quickly and safely as possible.  For further information or to book an appointment, visit the IJF website.

Return To Riding

After any serious injury or illness, clearance to return to race riding involves a simple 3 stage process.  Full details can be found in the BHA Return to Riding Protocol .

For jockeys who have suffered a concussion, once they are symptom free on exercise, they can then contact the Medical Department at the BHA on  0207 152 0138 to arrange a post-concussion review.

Find out more about Concussion Management and Clearance to Ride after Concussion.

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