Money Matters

Pension Scheme

In 1984, the Professional Jockeys Association set up the Professional Jockeys Association Pension Scheme (the PJAPS) which is funded by a deduction of 0.6% of total prize money.

The Scheme has been established as part of the Aegon Personal Pension Scheme. All contributions and transfer values are invested in private pension policies with Aegon plc. The contributions and transfer values accumulate in these policies, and they remain specific to the jockey. The size of the fund available at retirement to provide pension benefits will depend on the amount invested, the period of the investment and the investment returns obtained.

Who Is Eligible?

Any person who is:

  • a jockey who holds a professional jockey’s licence issued by the British Horseracing Authority (or any successor to the British Horseracing Authority), including an Apprentice or Conditional licence;
  • weighs out for 75 or more rides in a season; and
  • completes and submits to the Trustees an application form by such date as shall be determined by the Trustees in their sole discretion; and
  • signs and submits to the Trustees a Letter of Undertaking shall become a Beneficiary under the Fund.

Jockeys will be contacted by Cartlidge Morland, the scheme’s advisers, when they become eligible.

The Trustees shall have complete discretion to decide whether a person who does not fulfil the eligibility criteria shall be a beneficiary.

If a qualifying professional jockey is unable to ride due to injury in a subsequent season for 12 or more consecutive weeks and receives the payment of benefits from the Professional Riders Insurance Scheme in connection with that period then, for the purposes of the Trust Deed, the number of rides for which that person has weighed out during the season in which he or she is unable to ride for the aforesaid period of 12 or more weeks shall be taken to be the greater of (i) the number of rides for which the person has actually weighed
out in that season, and (ii) the sum calculated by taking the total number of rides which the person has weighed out in the preceding 3 seasons and dividing that number by 3, with any fraction being rounded up to the next whole number.

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